I predict a baby boom around December 2020! (What else you gonna do when your confined to your own home with your wife or girlfriend
They will be the generation known as "Coronials"
...and in the year 2033 they'll be Quaranteen-agers !
what will happen after the covid-19 crisis?.
- economy with all the stand still corporations, people without work and mass injections of support money?.
- politics with the end of globalisation, closed borders and new geopolitic friends (italy / china russia), lack of support and working together in eu and local politics, did the current politician the right thing?.
I predict a baby boom around December 2020! (What else you gonna do when your confined to your own home with your wife or girlfriend
They will be the generation known as "Coronials"
...and in the year 2033 they'll be Quaranteen-agers !
"we must obey god rather than men" act.5:29 has sure been discarded now and the gb are obeying the united nations world health organization and shutting down all of their "witnessing" operations ,very effectively i might add.. instead of boldly proclaiming the kingdom message as they used to blow there own trumpet about obeying god rather than men they are now more in fear of what the superior authorities will do to them if they don`t obey them.. this is something nobody banked on ever happening least of all the governing body of jehovah`s witnesses that the preaching work would come to a standstill .. of course they will put a spin on it ,that there protecting the health and well being of their members and the public.. but the fact remains they are not trusting in jehovah to protect their members nor are they trusting in jehovah to keep the "worldwide preaching work" going.. what do you think ?.
Obeying men rather than God What do you think ?
Since you asked... to me thats not really a fair comparison. There’s a difference between the government temporarily stopping the preaching work and other similar activities in the effort to stop the spread of a disease as opposed to stopping it outright simply because they've singled JWs out and said they have no right to preach it all.
JWs would stop preaching if the weather service said a hurricane or tornado were on the way but they wouldn’t stop if the government said we don’t like what you’re saying and don’t want you preaching anymore.
X JWs have legitimate complaints but this is one of those unfair “ they’re damned if the do/ damned if they don’t” situations.
people are not willing to accept the popularity of the watchtower and awake as these magazines belong to jw.
a listing site has declared the watchtower the most popular magazine in the world.. source: https://tingtopten.com/2020/01/top-10-most-popular-magazines-in-the-world/.
in comment section of this link people are abusing again jehovah's witnesses.
If each of the 8 million JW's has their own personal study copy of the Watchtower and they each have 2 extra (usually more) magazines left over each month from not being placed, that's 24 million copies that are automatically accounted for each month. Multiply that by the 12 months of the year, that's 288 million magazines.
Any publisher would love to have 8 million subscribers who are obligated and afraid to not only to read their magazines each month regardless of what's said in them but who also also buy extra copies that may or may not end up on a shelf somewhere.
"what drives these doomsday 'prophets'.
many include wildly inaccurate readings of the book of revelation.
often these pandemic prophets end their predictions with sign-offs such as "if you don't have a bible, buy one!.
What drives these doomsday 'prophets'
Fear, fanaticism, a dash of mental imbalance and an extreme disappointment in how ones own life turned out.
what will happen after the covid-19 crisis?.
- economy with all the stand still corporations, people without work and mass injections of support money?.
- politics with the end of globalisation, closed borders and new geopolitic friends (italy / china russia), lack of support and working together in eu and local politics, did the current politician the right thing?.
After all the seclusion, I think they'll be a surge in businesses of all types once people are free to go out again.
People will have a renewed sense of appreciation for what they have and for one another. A lot of the millennial will have learned a valuable lesson in doing without, being prepared and coping with less than desirable circumstances.
Families will realize for example, that it's fun to bake bread together even though it's easier to go out and buy it. Young people will realize that older people with real life skills should be appreciated more than those who are looked upon as "kool" for being savvy about things related to pop culture. They'll learn how to cope with difficulty by the example set by the older members of their families who are behaving sensibly.
Before the 70's "energy/oil crisis", as a rule you'd drive into a gas station and receive routine service from a uniformed attendant who would run out and pump your gas, wash your windshield and check your oil. All of that was thrown out the window when people were desperate to get gasoline and didn't care about the niceties. Now that we're willing to accept bare bones service, I think we may be seeing more of this from now on. For example, the airlines may not reinstate inflight meal service.
I think there will be an upsurge in the stock market when people calm down and realize that it's smart to invest when the market is low, rather than pull their money out.
In terms of JW's, because they've had a chance to get away from the regular doses of "inculcation" and because once again a crisis situation has passed without the world coming to an end, I think a lot of them will be more willing to "flesh out " their once repressed thoughts about the religion. They'll start seeing situations such this current one, as isolated incidents that have been taking place since the beginning of time and have nothing to do with one another.
They'll listen to their inner voices about who these men in New York really are. They may for the first time be able to say out loud to one another that there's something off about Steven Lett and they may begin to view him as the "Boy who cried" WOLF" once too often.
How do I know this ??
it's jehovah witnesses, working from home.
Don't open an email with the subject "ding-dong or ding-a-ling"... It's probably an ad for Viagra.
hey guys,.
i'm out of the jws for 12 years now and stopped thinking about the whole thing a long time ago.. but recently, i wondered how jws deal with corona?
i've read on the forums that they suspended meetings and tried to hold them online.. but are they still doing field service?.
It's ironic....now that everyone is at home, no one is out knocking.
isaiah 26:20 is now being used in private discussions among upper echelons of watch tower elites as a premise to infer covid19 pandemic related protocols are preparing the jw masses for that great overdue end-time deliverance.. "go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you.
hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.
" - isaiah 26:20. if the hype and fanaticism produce more failed expectations, watch tower may experience a 1975-like membership disaster.
‘No matter what happens this time they’ll say there’s more of this on the way. This is just the beginning of what’s to come. No matter how many years it takes.
i saw a post on reddit from somebody claiming to be an elder that the jw religion wants to contact all inactives.. some of the responses indicate that some were contacted or had close friends or relatives being asked for their contact information.
some of these people have been out of the jw religion for many years and have moved on.
the ones contacted said the jw informed them about cancelled meetings (as though they would care).
I imagine if one does return to Jehovah, it might involve getting DF'd first.
We know a couple who did return so they could get their family members to speak to them again. She was DF'd when she cheated on her elder husband and married a former JW guy that she dated when she was a teen. He hadn't been to a meeting in 25 years.
Her former elder husband died suddenly in his early 50's and she was scripturally free. Her kids wouldn't speak to her until she was reinstated so she and her former JW husband tried to make a come back but he had to be disfellowshipped and reinstated first because when he wasn't a JW, he had been married and got divorced and wasn't scripturally free.
watchtower mobile homes for sale!.
https://ibsaproperty.com/properties/park-homes/ credit to mike & kimpetra!
Looks like these mobile homes have been jacked up off their wheels for quite some time now. Maybe they're getting rid of them because you know what they say...."Idle wheels are the devils workshop.
Or maybe these mobile homes be the modern day version of Gods celestial chariot. You know...the one we're not supposed to get a head of.